Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I am a skeptical buyer. I bought our first one to see if it would eliminate pollen in the house. It seemed to do a fair job of it. My surprise, was its getting rid of the dog odor. We have a hound and they just stink. Period. Frequent baths help, but his bed always stinks after only a day of use. If he slept in our bedroom, it would noticeably stink in the morning. The EdenPure area model ended that. Our home no longer smells to visitors. I bought one for my grandchildren. Today I am buying a third unit. Buy it, and unlike the two-star dummy, READ the BOOK stupid, and use it as directed, with frequent washing of the filter. Just a simple observation: if, when washing the filter, stuff comes off, isn't that something you didn't have to breathe? Duh!
Click Here to see more reviews about: EdenPURE Room Sized Air Purifier, Kills 99.97% of All Airborne Pathogens
BioTech Research hasannounced EdenPURETM, theultimate air purifier.The EdenPURETM is thebest and most advanced airpurifier on the market.It runs super quiet andrequires no filter replacement.Unlike typical air purifierswhich have only 1 or 2mechanisms of eliminatingpollution, the EdenPURETMhas 4 mechanisms whicheliminate pollution.There many differenttypes of pollution and manyof them, especially the worst,cannot be eliminated with thelimited mechanisms of oldstyleair purifiers. The Eden-PURETM 4-mechanism systemdestroys all of the types ofpollution.The remarkable Eden-PURETM not only eliminatespollution from the air, butalso eliminates pollutionembedded in walls, ceilings,floors, carpets, furniture,clothing, and on countertopsand other surfaces. It sanitizeseverything in the house.The majority of air pollutioncomes from contaminatedsurfaces and fabrics.The air purification technologyin the EdenPURETM isthat used by the federal governmentto purify air in theSpace Shuttle and the InternationalSpace Station. The EdenPURETM eliminatesall pollution. Amongst thehundreds of pollutants Eden-PURETM eliminates besides bacteria,viruses, mold, yeast andallergens are: fungus, formaldehyde,fecal odors, perfumes,cologne, creosote from fireplaces,methylene chloride,phenols, PCB's, humic acid,DIMP's, glycerols, kepones,methyl ethyl keytones, acetonefrom fingernail filings, styrene,nitro compounds, formic acid,benzonic, butanes, ethanes,pentanes, propanes, methanes,alcohols, cyanides, detergents,phosphates and many more.
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